Category Archives: North Point Community Church

Be Rich: Volunteering at North Fulton Community Charities

Every year our church does a fundraising campaign called “Be Rich“.  The term “Be Rich” comes from 1 Timothy 6:18 –  “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”  Its one of my favorite things our church does each year.  Continue reading Be Rich: Volunteering at North Fulton Community Charities

globalx trip to San Salvador, El Salvador PICTURES!

Thanks to everyone that supported Mannah with donations and prayers!  She was able to raise all of the money needed for the globalX trip to San Salvador and the departure date has finally arrived! I dropped Mannah off at the Atlanta airport this morning at 7:00 for her trip to El Salvador!  I am so excited to hear about her trip and see some pictures.  I only have pictures from this morning at the airport so far but I will upload more pictures soon.  Please continue praying for Mannah and her team that they will have a safe trip and that they will be used by God in a mighty way. Continue reading globalx trip to San Salvador, El Salvador PICTURES!

globalX trip to San Salvador, El Salvador

This summer our daughter Mannah will be joining a globalX team in San Salvador, El Salvador.  If you would like to learn more about her trip or donate to help support her fundraising efforts please click HERE.Mannah

globalX is North Point Ministries’ international division. Their mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by serving the international community.

They believe when people engage in service, it leads to life change. So they created globalX trips, opportunities for people to serve together in various locations around the world. Their belief is that as people chose to serve, whether in one of their churches, in the local community, or around the world, the impact of that service will change lives—for those serving, for the people they serve, and even for those that see them choosing to give their time to help someone else.

God’s Global Purposes – A message for “good” Christians

I thoroughly enjoyed this week’s message at North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, GA but more importantly, I realized that the intended audience was people like me….people that have been so focused on God’s personal and moral law that we have been distracted from understanding and participating in God’s global purposes.  The message is a call to “good Christians”….great, you are living right….but what about the Ninevites? Continue reading God’s Global Purposes – A message for “good” Christians