All posts by Anthony Berg

Blueberry Harvest!

I was hanging out in the back yard with our youngest daughter (Harvest) yesterday and decided I would go check on the blueberries since I knew it wouldn’t be long until they were ripe and ready to eat.  I was so excited to see the branches weighed down to the ground with dark, plump blueberries!  I ran inside and grabbed some bowls and worked for a long time with Bethany to harvest as many of the ripe blueberries as we could before sunset.  I would say Harvest helped us except she would eat all of her berries every time she reached about 20 in her bowl. Continue reading Blueberry Harvest!

Lesson 007 – Rescued versus Redeemed

Several years ago I was introduced to JJ Heller while listening to K-LOVE radio on the drive to a project in Indianapolis.  We don’t have a K-LOVE station in Atlanta so I was hearing lots of new Christian music every week as I made the commute from the airport to the client’s building in Fisher, IN.  The first time I heard JJ Heller was the song “Your Hands” and I knew right away I had discovered a new favorite artist.  Since that time I have pre-ordered all of her albums and recently downloaded her new album “Loved“.  I enjoyed all of the songs on the “Loved” album and a couple of them have made their way to my favorite’s list but one song in particular struck a chord with me and has been consuming my thought time in the car and as I drift away to sleep each night. Continue reading Lesson 007 – Rescued versus Redeemed

Gibbs Gardens – A World-Class Garden in North Georgia

My mom (Oma) and Grandpa Jeff recently visited from Ohio and joined our family on a field trip to Gibbs Gardens. Gibb’s Gardens is located north of Atlanta at 1987 Gibbs Drive, Ball Ground, GA 30107 which is a very short drive from our house. I was expecting it to be nice but I was completely surprised by how awesome it was! It’s like a miniature Callaway Gardens, only without the Butterfly Garden, Biking, etc. I actually thought Gibb’s Gardens was better designed, more concentrated, and overall a more breathtaking experience. My whole family was constantly making “oohs and aahs” as we ventured through the gardens. The tickets were a little pricey for our family of 7 but considering the amount of fun we had it felt well worth it by the time we left. Below are some pictures from the gardens and you can also find out more information by visiting Gibbs Gardens website. One last thing, right before we left we grabbed lunch from the little snack shop near the entrance and ate our sandwiches and desserts near the stream you first walk by after you enter into the gardens. The food was delicious and the setting was so relaxing…a perfect end to a perfect day! Hope you have a chance to check it out for yourself soon! We highly recommend it as a homeschooling field trip, a family day out, a romantic date, or for a quiet place to break away from the traffic and stress of Atlanta. Continue reading Gibbs Gardens – A World-Class Garden in North Georgia

Cherokee Tribune – Front Page Story Mother’s Day 2013

I was so proud of Bethany this Mother’s Day…not that I’m not always proud of her but this Mother’s Day she received a special honor. Bethany was featured on the front page of the Cherokee Tribune newspaper in an article titled “Motherhood is ultimate responsibility, mom says”.  The article is still available online at this link:–mom-says.  Bethany was recommended for the article by the real-estate agent that helped us purchase our land and who is also in the process of helping us sell our current home.  The article is based on a five minute conversation she had with a reporter from the Cherokee Tribune and is brief and to the point but overall did a good job of describing Bethany and our family.  I thought it was cool that the Cherokee Tribune thought to do an article like this.  Moms so frequently perform the hardest job on the planet day after day with no recognition from anyone.  I really enjoyed seeing my wife honored this way and hope it helped her to know how much who she is and what she does is appreciated! Continue reading Cherokee Tribune – Front Page Story Mother’s Day 2013

Bee Keeping Dreams

When Bethany was student teaching, I believe it was around 1997, we took her class to a local farm and enjoyed a tour that included a visit to a bee hive.  That was the first time I witnessed in person the simplicity and rewards of bee keeping.  I knew right then that someday I would have a bee colony of my own and that I would learn the ins and outs of bee keeping.  We are still several years away from realizing our goal of bee keeping and enjoying raw honey created in our backyard so for now we will have to settle for locally grown honey from Bread Beckers in Woodstock, GA.  This post is really just a placeholder for that dream.  Check back here in the future for a detailed explanation of everything it takes to get a bee colony started and pics of the whole process.

Greenhouse Aquaponics

If you’ve been exploring our blog you’ve probably figured out by now that much of what this blog will be about is on hold until we begin construction on our new home.  We intend to get the house built first but then shortly after that we hope to add a greenhouse that allows us to extend the growing season but will also serve as a year round growing facility for aquaponics (tilapia and various vegetables including tomatoes, squash, zucchini, romaine lettuce and strawberries).  For those not familiar with greenhouse aquaponics, it’s much like hydroponics but uses fish to maintain the health and nutrients of the water instead of chemical additives.  Continue reading Greenhouse Aquaponics

Raising Chickens

Raising chickens is something my wife and I have wanted to do for quite some time but our current neighborhood has a no chicken policy in the covenants.  We were first introduced to the idea of raising chickens by two different co-workers and friends of mine back around 2008.  Both of them were raising chickens in their backyards and taught us a little about the basics of raising chickens.  Our interest was heighten this summer when we visited my sister in VA.  My sister’s family raises chickens in their backyard and our kids got to spend some time interacting with them.  It seems like everywhere we go we bump into people raising their own chickens or selling custom chicken coops.  Even Williams Sonoma sells chicken coops now! Continue reading Raising Chickens

Square Foot Gardening in Georgia

I have been gardening for many years now but I distinctly remember my first experience gardening. I always suspected I would enjoy gardening but at that time I had no hands on experience and felt extremely intimidated. I happened across a book called Square Foot Gardening. This one book turned me into a successful gardener that very first growing season! Continue reading Square Foot Gardening in Georgia

Martin Luther – The movie, some background and the 95 Theses

Last night I watched the movie Luther with my family.  I knew a little of the history of Martin Luther prior to watching, but the movie helped set the historical context  and exposed many more of the issues that were going on in the church and in politics at that time.  I was also amazed to learn that Luther translated the Bible into German by himself because he wanted people to have direct access to the scriptures in their native language.  After watching the movie I wondered what was in the 95 Theses that ticked the Catholic church off so bad and unraveled that part of the world in such a way that over 100,000 people died in the Peasant’s War.  I always thought what upset the Catholic church the most was the loss in revenue they received when people no longer placed value on indulgences, but the movie and Wikipedia seem to support that the Catholic church was equally bothered by Luther providing people with personal access to a Bible they could understand and for the theological claims he made about grace and relationship with Christ. Continue reading Martin Luther – The movie, some background and the 95 Theses

globalX trip to San Salvador, El Salvador

This summer our daughter Mannah will be joining a globalX team in San Salvador, El Salvador.  If you would like to learn more about her trip or donate to help support her fundraising efforts please click HERE.Mannah

globalX is North Point Ministries’ international division. Their mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by serving the international community.

They believe when people engage in service, it leads to life change. So they created globalX trips, opportunities for people to serve together in various locations around the world. Their belief is that as people chose to serve, whether in one of their churches, in the local community, or around the world, the impact of that service will change lives—for those serving, for the people they serve, and even for those that see them choosing to give their time to help someone else.