The Emery Fit Program

I have been slowly developing a gut for many years….the first time I realized I had a problem was while flipping through some photos from a vacation to Mexico back in 2004. I wish I could say I took immediate action and got back in shape but I’ve pretty much added a pound or two every year since. Sure, I’ve tried dieting. Over the last 10 years I have collected 21 different sets of my “before” pictures for Body for Life, P90X, and others…..but, so far, no “after” photos. I have tried the Atkins Diet, the Hallelujah Diet, the Abs Diet, and a dozen others, but I was not successful with any of them.  They were either too complicated, there was no variety in the foods, the foods were too limiting, or they required more discipline than I could muster up.

There is only one time I experienced both significant and lasting results – The Emery Fit program. I only stuck with it for a short time but I managed to lose 17 pounds and it took about a year to put it all back on (instead of the typical 2 weeks). I only made it about a third of the way to my goal weight and then things got crazy at work and I abandoned the program.

I know the world is full of diet programs and it doesn’t seem like there is a good reason to contribute yet another write up on a “great way to lose weight and feel healthy” but, having tried so many of those programs and failing, I would like to write about this one and only program that has worked for me.  Its a program developed by Dr. Bret Emery of Alpharetta, GA.  Here are some of the things I like about Dr. Emery’s approach:

  • There are no special bars or shakes to order
  • You can eat absolutely anything you want
  • Its based on a scientific approach that produces lasting results, not just quick, short-lived weight loss
  • Your progress is not only measured in “weight lost” but also provides the details needed to understand how your body composition is changing
  • The exercise routine maximizes fat loss and doesn’t have to be long or difficult
  • Its simple to understand and once you understand the science it makes it much easier to stay on-track

Dr. Emery’s approach involves an initial consultation where he explains in detail the approach and the science behind why it works.  He helps you understand the relationship between your food intake, your blood sugar, your liver, and how/when fat is stored or burned.  He explains the basic “rules” of the diet and takes your initial measurements.  The initial measurements and future check-in stats are all tracked in a “Physique Tracker”.  You can view an example of the tracker HERE.

Dr. Emery designs a program specific to you and then keeps you accountable and encouraged by monitoring your progress.  Most people keep Dr. Emery informed by entering their calorie information in a free web-based application called MyFitnessPal.  I like MyFitnessPal but sometimes it’s too time-consuming and it can also be extremely inaccurate if you guess your portion sizes incorrectly.   I am now in the process of giving the program another try…but with one major change this time. Rather than logging my Calorie consumption in MyFitnessPal, I am logging my food, exercise, and progress using Evernote Food. You can check out my full Emery Fit Progress Log for an example of what logging your progress with Evernote looks like.

Now that I am using Evernote Food, Dr. Emery can see exactly what I’m eating and I love that it only takes me a few seconds to document an entire meal.  I also document my exercise using Evernote Food.  You can learn how to setup your own progress log HERE or you can view my Evernote Food log HERE.

A lot of people say to me, “You don’t need to lose any weight” or “You’re not fat”.  I agree that I’m not morbidly obese but according to my initial consultation with Dr. Emery I am carrying around about 30 pounds too much fat.  This is what 1 pound of fat looks like:


Imagine an extra 30 of those spread around the inside of your body!  Below are the stats from my initial consultation.  The numbers in grey are considered the healthy ranges for a male with my age and height.  You can see that I not only have about 30 pounds too much fat but I’m also on the low side of the muscle range and the high side of the fluid range.

My StatsI am following the Emery Fit program now and don’t plan to stop until I reach my goals.  In fact, I may just never stop the program as I believe it’s sustainable as a lifestyle.

If you have struggled with weight loss programs and want to try a healthy, natural approach that really works, I highly recommend reaching out to Dr. Emery for help.

Here is the link to Dr. Emery’s Contact page –

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