Choosing a Roof Color

When it comes to choosing interior colors for our new home, I have little trouble knowing exactly what I want.

Choosing a roof color, however, is trickier!  I definitely know that we want a white house.  But when it comes to the roof, I am lost.  I have been obsessing over shingle samples for several weeks now.  Up close, they all look very similar.  And pictures are not accurate representations of what the shingles look like in person.  Basically, I have narrowed it down to off-black, dark gray, and light gray.  Here are some example inspiration pictures of what I like in each color.  Continue reading Choosing a Roof Color

Whole Wheat Bread Machine Cinnamon Rolls

These whole wheat bread machine cinnamon rolls are simpler than you might think! The bread machine makes fresh,  gooey rolls attainable right from your very own kitchen!  Nothing compares to the yummy smell, and the kids have a blast helping to throw them together.  If you don’t want to get up early enough to make them in time for breakfast,  you can assemble them the night before (except for icing them). Simply assemble the rolls according to the directions, cover with foil and refrigerate.  The next morning all you have to do is take them out of the fridge and allow them to set at room temperature for about an hour before baking and icing as usual.  Your family and your guests will thank you! I promise! Continue reading Whole Wheat Bread Machine Cinnamon Rolls