Lucky to be in Love with My Best Friend

I have heard plenty of women talk about their spouses as if they can’t stand them.  They go on and on about this or that shortcoming. They fantasize about time spent away from them.  They speak about them with disrespect, disregard, and sometimes even disgust.  They talk about how they wish their husband was more this or more that.  They idealize other women’s husbands as so much more upright, handsome, successful, thoughtful, funny, hard-working, romantic, and witty.

I have a confession to make.  I feel extremely guilty and uncomfortable when caught in the middle of one of these conversations. Continue reading Lucky to be in Love with My Best Friend

Blessed to be in Love with My Best Friend

This post is in response to my wife’s post called “Lucky to be in Love with My Best Friend“.  I was a little caught off guard when I read her post today as it is not our anniversary or Valentine’s day or some other occasion when you might expect some type of romantic message from your spouse.  It happens to be my 39th birthday today but that’s not really cause for such kind words from my Sweetie.  So I’m not really sure what the catalyst was for her post but I do appreciate it and I hope that some day I will live up to the picture she painted. :-)  I confess that I felt honored but I also felt slightly embarrassed that she shared such intimate words with the world. Continue reading Blessed to be in Love with My Best Friend