Lesson 007 – Rescued versus Redeemed

Several years ago I was introduced to JJ Heller while listening to K-LOVE radio on the drive to a project in Indianapolis.  We don’t have a K-LOVE station in Atlanta so I was hearing lots of new Christian music every week as I made the commute from the airport to the client’s building in Fisher, IN.  The first time I heard JJ Heller was the song “Your Hands” and I knew right away I had discovered a new favorite artist.  Since that time I have pre-ordered all of her albums and recently downloaded her new album “Loved“.  I enjoyed all of the songs on the “Loved” album and a couple of them have made their way to my favorite’s list but one song in particular struck a chord with me and has been consuming my thought time in the car and as I drift away to sleep each night. Continue reading Lesson 007 – Rescued versus Redeemed